Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Growing Potatoes in Bags

This is a potato planter (14 X 20 inches) with a velcro side flap that opens to allow to you pick a few new potatoes at a time so you don't have to harvest your whole crop at once.  To plant, you roll down the sides, add about eight inches of soil to the bottom. Plant three or four potatoes and cover with soil. As the leaves grow, you unfurl the bag a bit at a time and add more soil until fully extended.

The planter has side handles to easily reposition the planter as needed. These are reusable bags and perfect for the small garden (like mine).  The material is very similar to a tarpaulin. It has drip holes in the bottom. Potato planters can also be fashioned from wood with a sliding side door at the bottom to achieve the same aim.

I have planted French fingerlings in this bag. Great for BBQing. I love fresh potatoes from the garden. Teaming with vitamins and ever so delicious. They are a whole food. I already have Russets dug into my community garden plot and purple skinned Russians in another bed, but I want more (always more organic veggies) and this is a solution for me since I am somewhat strapped for land. Too much deck, not enough soil. Veggie and fruit planters will have to populate the deck at my new home this season until I can take the wrecking bar to at least part of the structure. Here is the deck awaiting its fate.

Already strawberries are growing in terra cotta pots and from a Topsy Turvy hanger that was gifted to me.

I wish my property had more land, but there are always compromises. I opted for proximity to hiking trails and waterfront in lieu of more land for now, knowing I could rent a community garden plot and enjoy the weekly farmer's market in my area. Lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ive been doing this for years. Always get my bags from