Friday, April 1, 2011

Mulch Magic

This Italian Parsley survived the winter, as did the sage, thyme, strawberries and so many other crops I mulched. I repurposed hay from a local church's Christmas play. It reeked of manure. I wonder what their stage smelled like. But boy did that hay keep the beds all toasty. As of today all seven vegetable beds are now turned, cleaned and ready for action. I pulled out ten potatoes, two turnips and three beets hiding in the soil. Two veggie beds are now planted with four kinds of onions, heirloom purple string beans, garlic and heirloom white carrots.

I also tried to sneak a quickie lettuce crop into the rhubarb bed before the rhubarb took off. I hope it doesn't mind. Just looking for some early tender greens.

Tulips, daffodils and crocus are popping up everywhere. It's so centering to get your hands in the dirt again. Immense satisfaction at a full day in the fresh crisp air.

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