Monday, January 31, 2011

Glacier Warning

I've seen Deer Crossing warnings, even Moose warnings, but never a Glacier warning. Apparently they do exist. Thanks to blogger Frugal Kiwi, we have a photo. Beware of falling glacier whilst swimming. Frugal Kiwi is one of nine blogs up for a Homie as the Best Green Home Blog of 2011.

A Way To Garden, written by corporate dropout, Margaret Roach, is another. Margaret was a major editorial and publishing player at Martha Stewart Omnimedia when she decided to leave behind a successful career to garden. Her memoir about the experience, "And I Shall Have Some Peace Here," is releasing in a couple of weeks. Check out her blog and the others at the Homie link to see who you'll vote for.

Of special mention: Margaret's January 30th post is a call to action for people to write the White House about the new USDA decision to rubber stamp genetically engineered alfalfa. She even provides links and phone numbers.

1 comment:

fer said...

very funny, I had no idea the glacier waring signs existed